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Teenies Room

This room provides the complete support for babies from 3 months to 12 months. The staff cater for the babies every need and provide for their development through a wide variety of activities and experiences whilst following their individual routines from home as best they can.

Favourite activities in the Teenies Room

•  Messy play including peach play, shredded paper play, jelly play, sand play and gloop play
•  Group time when we engage in singing to the babies, rolling balls, blowing bubbles and playing musical instruments
•  Lots of one to one interaction between babies and their key worker
•  Finding out about ourselves during mirror play.

What the staff have to say about Teenies

“Teenies is warm, welcoming and stimulating. We provide a friendly, caring environment, making babies feel safe and secure whilst gently encouraging them to explore and experience new things”.

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